Progetto Erasmus+ "Media, Social Networks and ICT: opportunities for learning"
Il progetto Media, social networks and ICT: opportunities for learning è stato sviluppato all'interno del programma Erasmus+, azione KA2 - Cooperazione per l'innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche, nel biennio 2015-2017.
Le scuole partecipanti sono state:
1.IES Maria Moliner (Coordinatore) - Sagunto (Spagna)
2.Liceo “A.Roiti”- Ferrara (Italia)
3.Rigas Zolitudes gimnazija – Riga (Lettonia)
4.Zespol Szkol – Lekawica (Polonia)
5.Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi – Istanbul (Turchia)
6.Velo High School – Velo (Grecia)
Tra gli obiettivi del progetto abbiamo posto la promozione della responsabilizzazione, partecipazione e cittadinanza attiva dei giovani, e l'offerta di opportunità di apprendimento di alta qualità.
Le azioni sono state condotte in particolare nei seguenti ambiti:
- Cittadinanza europea: condivisione di valori comuni e conoscenza delle diversità
- Analisi di come le nuove generazioni accedono, utilizzano e condividono le informazioni
- Sviluppo di competenze digitali degli studenti
- Consapevolezza dell'impatto e del potere dei social network sugli individui e la società (cyberbullismo).
- Incorporazione delle TIC nei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento
- Promozione dell'uso responsabile delle TIC
- Incentivo alla conoscenza delle lingue
Attività svolte:
* Creazione di un Erasmus team e di un “angolo europeo” nella scuola
* Newsletter informativa
* Indagine sull'uso e la percezione dei media e dei social network
* Creazione di una piattaforma Etwinning, di una app, di un sito e di un blog
* Concorso per il logo del progetto
* Concorso fotografico
* Concorso narrativo (produzione di un ebook)
* Produzione di cortometraggi
* Redazione di una guida all'uso sicuro dei media
* Seminari (anche con i genitori) sull'uso dei media e delle tecnologie
* Formazione di studenti tutor sul tema del bullismo e cyberbullismo
* Workshop di presentazione dei risultati
website del progetto:
canale youtube:
gruppo facebook del progetto:
Introduction :
This report sums up the results of survey in which 6 countries (Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Latvia and Poland) participated. The topic of the questionnaire was “The way we use the media”. However, teachers and students gave different answers. Further we are going to discuss the differences.
The most useful medium :
According to the results, students prefer to use internet the most, in order to search for information.
Similarly, teachers do the same.
It's apparent that both children and teachers either they are on holiday or at the weekends they don't
like watching TV a lot. So they use TV one hour or less per day. Finally, they rarely prefer spending two hours or more.
Comparing the results, we can see that teachers usually listen to the radio, especially while they drive. On the contrary, children are not fans of radio with the exception when they are in the car.
The Press:
On the one hand, we found that teachers prefer the press like magazines and newspapers and if they read it, they choose local daily newspapers which are related to science, music, art, celebrities etc. On the other hand, most of the students don't read newspapers at all, but if they do, press is related to teens.
Obviously, most of the teachers have computer and also internet connection. So they use the internet in order to search for educational contents and works everyday. Simultaneously, students have both computers and internet connection and use it for the same purposes like educational contents and homework.
Online TV and multitasking:
The results showed that mobile phones and computers are the most frequently used platforms. It also turned out that in both groups only few people watch online TV always or usually – most of them watch it only occasionally and, while watching, teachers always do multitasking, whereas students don't.
The answers of teachers and students are similar. Though, a bit more teachers read blogs than students, because they have different aims. Teachers search for useful and practical for life information ,whereas students search for fun.
Social Networks:
We found out that both teachers and students tend to use facebook more than other social networks. The only difference between them is that Instagram takes the second place among students and the last among teachers. When it comes to contents related to news stories it seems like both groups search for them, but only teachers comment and share them regularly.
Internet and Teenagers:
Most teachers answered that teenagers should be under supervision while surfing the net, whereas almost all students stated the exact opposite. Students also added that their parents are usually watcing TV or doing their own duties while they use the PC.
To recapitulate, the conclusion drawn from all the above is that nowadays the internet is the most popular social medium for among all different ages. However it has its own advantages and disadvantages, because on the one hand it has separated people from personal contact and replaced books, on the other hand it gave people the opportunity to explore the world, widen their outlook and overcome distances.